
Hartlepool Borough Council - About Us

Thank you for your interest in working for Hartlepool Borough Council. This is your opportunity to join a top performing Council within the North East region. With over 2,000 employees, we are one of the largest employers in Hartlepool and would welcome you to join us!

Hartlepool is a vibrant and energetic town with growing prospects. As an authority we want to make Hartlepool the best it possibly can be and want dedicated, driven and committed staff to help us to achieve this.

Hartlepool Borough Council is structured into 5 departments: Adult and Community Based Services; Children’s & Joint Commissioning Services; Development, Neighbourhoods & Regulatory Services; Finance, IT & Digital Services; and Legal Governance & HR Services, Collectively, these departments provide vital services to the public.

Our Council Plan for 2021/22 – 2023/24 outlines our vision for Hartlepool:

Hartlepool will be a place...
...where people are enabled to live healthy, independent and prosperous lives.
...where those who are vulnerable will be safe and protected from harm.
...of resilient and resourceful communities with opportunities for all.
...that is sustainable, clean, safe and green.
...that has an inclusive and growing economy.
...with a Council that is ambitious, fit for purpose and reflects the diversity of it's community.

We have identified a key set of principles which will guide and shape what we do to deliver this Council Plan:

• Leadership – we will fulfil our role as a community leader working to deliver a positive
future for our Borough
• Collaboration – we will work with our communities, the community and voluntary sector
and our partners across the public and private sector to deliver on our vision for
• Inclusivity – we will work to ensure equal access to services and opportunities and we
will take positive action to remove the barriers that people may face
• Openness and transparency – we will be clear about what we are doing and why
• Commitment – we are committed to delivering our vision and will honour our
commitments as a community leader, service provider and commissioner
• Trust – we will work to develop and build on the trust between the Council, our
communities and partners
• Understanding – we will work to understand the needs, hopes and views of our
residents, communities and partners through engagement, consultation and research

For further information about Hartlepool Borough Council, the Council plan and the services we provide, please visit our web site at http://www.hartlepool.gov.uk or contact us on 01429 523331.

For further information about our jobs, careers and services please visit https://yoursay.hartlepool.gov.uk/hub-page/jobs-and-careers-at-hbc.

Our values and behaviours underpin everything we do, link us all together with our community & set a benchmark for our behaviour across Hartlepool. These are:


You can find more information about our values & behaviours here https://tinyurl.com/hbcvalues
Get In Touch
Hartlepool Borough Council
Civic Centre
Victoria Road
TS24 8AY
01429 523331